Click mounting system

The Click mounting system is a patent of the German company Rixen&Kaul. We decided to use it because it is made of durable material and has a number of additional advantages:

  • lockable hooks prevent the pannier from falling off the rack,
  • adjustable hook spacing,
  • adjustable pannier angle – thanks to this option, you can position the panniers so that they do not get caught in your heels while pedaling,
  • convenient rubber handle for carrying panniers
  • unscrewable hooks – you will appreciate this feature when you need to transport your panniers by plane or train.

In the Rixen&Kaul catalog, this system is called “Twist”. We decided to use the name “Click” because “Twist” has been reserved for one of our bike pannier collections for years.

Detailed instructions for the Click mounting system

See below all our panniers equipped with the Click mounting system.

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