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How to choose bicycle panniers?

Step 1: Search for panniers based on your needs Short trips and city rides Small panniers mounted on the rear rack are best for small loads. A set of two panniers with a 35-liter capacity can easily fit some warmer clothes, a guidebook and tasty provisions. In this segment we offer the following pannier types: […]

Which mounting system to choose?

Our panniers are available with three mounting systems – Crosso, Rail and Click. Many people, especially at the beginning of their adventure with bicycle panniers, may ask themselves which one to choose and how they differ? Reading this page, you probably expect a study and a multitude of options and here we will surprise you! […]

X Modular System – how does it work?

The X Modular System was created for all the fans of active lifestyle whose expectations for themselves and their equipment grow with every season. Whenever we take up a new sport or physical activity, there are always many expenses early on, so we realize that it's not the best idea to offer you the best, [...]

Will the Crosso rear rack fit my bike?

Due to the numerous questions we receive about the compatibility of our rear racks with the various models of bikes you have, we decided (with your help!) to create this list. If your bike is not on this list and you have our rack, please add your bike model in the comments section below the […]

How to pack bicycle panniers?

For many people, especially those starting their adventures with bicycle trips, packing panniers turns out to be quite a challenge. And although it looks quite simple at first, because all the equipment can be thrown into the panniers at will, this approach will mean that we will be constantly frustrated during our bicycle trip and [...]


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